Tuesday, October 14, 2014

With Ambition

This is my friend Lorien Devon. Lori to all who know her.

Her daughter Lane

 She also happens to be my sister-in-law. She and my brother Ben have 5 children, and I love them all!

 They are some of the best parents I know, and if Scott and I had died young we would have had them raise our kids. I admire Lori in hundreds of ways, but cherish most her ambitious spirit. She has this knack for setting her mind to something and getting it done. The definition of ambition is a strong desire to achieve something typically requiring determination and hard work. This exhibits itself in practical ways in her life as well as in huge ways. For example, she just finished her second degree getting a Bachelor of Nursing (BSN) at Old Dominion University while pregnant with her fifth child, and happily mothering the other four children. I was so astounded at her tenacity and strength to complete her schooling. It was downright inspiring. Practically, she is ambitious in her walk with the Lord and service to others. I can't even count the number of times she has come to my aid. Birthday cupcakes, college advice, babysitting, track meets, literally hours of time and love sent my way.

Graduation day!!

Another time she decided that she wanted to run a half marathon in under 2 hours. She trained long and hard and signed up for a race that took place in Disney World. She ran through the park early in the morning and finished her race in 1 hour and 59 minutes. Time and time again, she will set her mind to something and work hard until it happens. My brother is also this way, so when they both decide to do projects around their house, look out! They have done some beautiful things in the time it would take "normal" people to just start planning. Their home is a streamlined, well placed delight for the eyes and heart.

(If you would like to see more of their home please link to Lori's blog here.)

 Their ambition has inevitably filtered down to their kids who can also work hard and work smart. Obviously since I am related to them, I am ridiculously proud to be their Aunt Amy and make sure everyone knows it. haha
Baby Cade along with Brennen, Tilden, Tate, and Lane. (Cousin Chad holding Cade in picture on the left.)

When making friends or connecting with friends on a deeper level, you have to be ambitious too. You can't give up if things aren't as fun as you thought they would be. You can't give up if one person you always wanted for a friend just doesn't work out. Find someone else and try again. You can't give up if your life is super busy and their isn't time to make friends. Excuses, don't yield success. Often I hear women say, I don't have any friends. Well, I say, ask the Lord to help you get off your couch and be like my Lorien and Flood your life with ambition.

ps. I know Lori would tell you that nothing she has accomplished was done without the Lord and her family. Here is a pic of her favorite sayings. :)

1 comment:

  1. I remember, when she was about thirteen, she told me she was going to marry my son. I think I said that she would have to get in line as several had already expressed their desire to do the same. Little did I know that this wonderful girl really meant it! I love you, Lori.
