Saturday, October 4, 2014

With Nurturing

This is my friend Angie Webber. We have been friends for almost 25 years.

 In the beginning it was really just acquaintances, but Angie takes great care in nurturing her friendships and now we are close. She has this quiet gift of coming along side and adding something to your life without you even noticing at first. She likes behind the scenes work and is extremely good at finding a need and meeting it. Like a mother who gently cares for her children's well being, Angie takes care of her friends until they are strong enough to care for others.

She has a devoted husband and family. Her biggest love, besides her man, is probably her Grandson, but she loves all her extended family and tries hard to connect with them even though some live far away. She even flew several times across the country just to make sure relationships were being built.

Jeff and Angie

Her grandson Carson
Buddy and Rosy
 The definition of nurture is the process of caring for and encouraging the growth of or development of someone or something. All friendships need nurturing and all friends need an Angie. I think she is so good at this because the Lord has done exactly this with her. When we first met, she was, what we say in "Christianese", rough around the edges. As a new believer in Christ she wanted to grow, but had some hard things holding her back. Slowly the Lord began to do a work in her heart and she started to change. She has a "past" but doesn't live there, and looks to the Lord every day to use her in the lives of others to point them to Him. At the end of this post I will connect you to some projects that she has started and you will see what I mean.  For me personally Angie has hosted many a dinner in her home that was very thought out and special. She invited guests intentionally and planned games, food, and friends that she knew I would like. She has fed my children lots times, as we have boys that are close in age, and taken thousands of pictures for my family and special church events. When I wanted to start a Mom's Day Out group at our church, she was one of my cheer leaders and helpers. If I ever go to her with an idea, she is always supportive and tries to help. (I told you, everyone needs an Angie) She has been an example of discipleship in action. She has nurtured our friendship so much that I can trust her to have my back because she helped make it strong.

Angie and her equally sweet daughter-in-law Amber. I love these ladies! 

Maybe as you read this, God has placed a friend in your mind that you need to nurture. Ask Him to show you how and when. Take a lesson from Angie and quietly Flood your life.

Here are two fun endeavors started by Angie that you can find on Facebook.
Grandma's Closet
Christ Cans Count

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