Tuesday, October 7, 2014

With Honesty

This is my friend Jenna. She is a wonderful mother of two, soon to be three, children and a very dedicated military wife. Her husband's name is Mark, and they just got a new house that is big enough to have lots of parties. She has always wanted to be able to entertain her friends in her own home, and is a very generous and loving hostess.

Beautiful baby bump

 We actually became friends over a lie I told. (Eek!) Jenna caught me in it, and since then we have been close. At first I was mortified and wasn't sure if she would ever speak to me again. She was gracious and excepted my apology. (Thank goodness!!) She is very intuitive and keeps me on my toes. We have since shared lots of chats over lunch and honest conversation over Island Green Smoothies. (My favorite)
Her boys, Jordan and Matthew.

 Her boys are her life and she devotes hours of time to their care and amusement. Her new baby is a little girl and we are all very excited! Pink pink pink is the color of the day and Jenna couldn't be happier. Just last week I got to paint the nursery, and I can't wait to see it decorated. She did a great job decorating her boy's rooms. (with some help from Mark who likes super heroes)

A look back at the cuteness
 A look forward to a new baby girl.
Girls are so much fun, but sometimes have trouble telling the truth to each other. (at least I do) If you want to make new friends or impress old ones, it is very hard not to fudge the truth a little so that others like you better or think more highly of you. Jenna has been so helpful to me in this department. She in an honest friend. She tells me the truth and expects me to tell her the truth. I don't know how she does it, but she can always tell when I am lying. God has truly used her in my life to help me grow in this area. I don't always succeed, but am trying. (I don't lie to her

Jordan's Kindergarten graduation
This year she has some big changes coming. A new baby girl, growing Cub Scouts, new neighbors, new leadership with military wives, and new "room mom" duties at Jordan's school. As I mentioned before, when we first met I was untruthful. She gave me a second chance, and I will forever be grateful. I have since grown to love her sincere interest in spiritual things, and really appreciate her insightful comments in our Ladies Bible Study. She reaches out to others who don't have connections in church, and sympathizes deeply with women who have lost a parent in death. (her mother and step father have passed) She would drive to the moon and back to find fun memories to make with her family, and I am so thankful to call her my friend.

They love the beach!!!

Always active
Jenna and Mark
 If you have made mistakes in your friendships and haven't been honest. try asking them to forgive you. Like me, you might find a Jenna to Flood your life.

If you would like to read what others are posting in the 31 days challenge, see the link below.
31 days

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