Monday, October 27, 2014

With Teaching

This is my friend Soula.
Soula and Micah her grandson.
 She is a kindergarten teacher at a Virginia Beach Public School. She is also a Sunday School teacher at our church. We have known each other for 16 years, and I have such fond memories spent with her and her family.
Her dearest love.
 Our daughters have grown up together. We have had birthday parties, school plays, backyard BBQ's, game nights, and lots of lots chocolate chip cookies.

Anna and Michelle
Beautiful girls
 One of our favorite things to do, is run together. Soula and her husband Pete really enjoy running. They have participated in many local races, and always do well. I liked to run, but was not very fast or very good. Soula inspired me to try harder, and in the Summer, when she is on break from school, we run together.
Pete and Soula
Race we all ran in honor of Evie, her granddaughter in heaven. It was my first half marathon. 
 It is while we sweat that Soula teaches. (Once a teacher, always a teacher) I have learned how to shop for groceries with coupons, how to make healthy budget friendly meals, how to talk to my daughter about boys, how to be a mother-in-law, and how to pray when I can't "do" anything else. I have watched her endure deep sadness when her granddaughter went to heaven, and I have watched her live with the greatest joy over her grandson and his new sister this year.

Micah and new baby sister.
Yia Yia
 She doesn't know it, but she is teaching me all the time. If you stop by the door of her Sunday School class on Sunday morning you will hear wonderful things. No child is above her notice, and kindness, exuberance, and pure joy fill the room. She loves her job and if you don't know how to treat others, you will see love in action. It is mesmerizing, uplifting, and informative. She has somehow managed to work, be involved in church, be a great wife, and raise two beautiful daughters. Her oldest daughter Sarah I posted about on, With Peace. Her youngest daughter Michelle you have seen in several photos throughout this month's posts.

Us with our girls.

Me with two teachers. (Michelle is a teacher now for VBPS)

We are close. Our kids are close. We are friends; friends forever, bonded over teachable moments. Do you have a teaching friend in your life? (Not a nagging friend, a real teaching friend) One who has actually mastered certain skills, and is willing to share all God has taught her. If not, you can always pop your head into her classroom, and Flood your life. She won't mind. She's a teacher.

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