Friday, October 10, 2014

With Generosity

This is my friend Theresa. We were neighbors for a while when I was in middle school and high school.

 Theresa has six children and a wonderful husband named Steve. They live in Idaho and I haven't seen Theresa for probably 30 years, but her generosity captivated my memories and still keeps them fresh.
Her crew

Steve and Theresa

 My family lived on an acre of land trying our hand at country life. My dad tilled a huge garden, and we got some chickens and a pig. The one thing we didn't have was a horse. I thought we needed a horse. Horses are beautiful, smart, unimaginably fun, and expensive.  I prayed for a horse. I begged for a horse. God gave me a neighbor who had a horse. She actually had three horses that I could see running through the pasture every time I went out to feed our pig. (his name was Jimmy Dean, and yes, we ate him.)

 One amazing, glorious, fabulous day Theresa and her brother came riding down their driveway and stopped near our house. They let us pet their horses and answered a ton of questions from me. (those of you who know me can only imagine) Then Theresa said one of the loveliest sentences I have ever heard. "We are going riding and would love for you to come." (or something like that, it has been a few years) In my heart it was the most generous thing anyone had given me since mint chocolate chip ice cream cake was invented. What followed were some of the most wonderful years of my childhood.  Her generous offer led to hours spent riding together on the back of her Arabian, Welsh pony named Midnight. We bonded over horse hair, alfalfa and manure. We rode through creeks and up dunes. She would let me ride whenever I could, and taught me how to care for horses. So much so, that my dad even let me have my own horse. His name was Rusty. He was old, but he was mine.

Theresa's brother Matt and sister Anita. This is the canal that we used to ride through. 

Their old homestead. Many happy times took place in this house. 

 To this day I look back at my life and love the memories her generous heart left. I couldn't afford to buy what her family had, so they shared with me. They fed me often and let me be a part.

The Denke Family 

Theresa teaching her own daughter to ride.

Do you have something in your life, that God has blessed you with, that maybe you would like to share? Generosity can be one of the many tools the Lord uses to show His love to others. Through you, He can answer a prayer from a little girl who just wanted to ride a horse. Today, be like my generous friend Theresa and Flood your life.

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